These BPA- and lead-free soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating. Plant roots have a natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like those of the Smart Pot, becoming thick and healthy instead of circling the inside of the pot and becoming root-bound. Smart Pots are aeration containers: They allow the air to prune the plant root structure. Simply remove the containers before transplanting. These pots help plants become established more quickly after transplanting.
Why Are Smart Pots Better For Growing?
As simple as it seems, a pot is one of the most important components for successful container gardening. For more than 25 years, Smart Pots have consistently outperformed all other growing containers in commercial nurseries and in university testing. The patented Smart Pot is uniquely designed to improve the root structure of your plants, enabling them to grow to their full potential.